Through a cinematic style and a combination of indoor and outdoor shots, I have attempted
to capture the essence of what it feels like to be trapped in the depths of depression.
The use of melancholic tones and moody lighting seeks to evoke a sense of isolation and despair,
conveying the weight that can bear down on those suffering from this affliction.

For this project, I drew inspiration from my own experiences with depression, as well as from
the stories of others who have been affected by this mental health condition.
By using photography as a medium, I hope to shine a light on the struggles that so many people
face, and to foster a greater sense of understanding and empathy among viewers.
Ultimately, my goal as an artist is to use my work to inspire change and create a more
compassionate world.

Through my photography, I hope to encourage greater awareness and dialogue around the
issue of depression, and to offer a sense of solace and comfort to those who may be struggling.
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